A general purpose direct restorative developed for ART and Minimal Intervention (MI) dentistry, pits and fissures, cervical erosion and abrasion, intermediate restoration for heavy stress bearing areas, final restoration for non-stress bearing Class I, II of adult dentition.
An enhanced direct restorative glass ionomer designed in Vita shades with remarkable mechanical properties and ease of handling.
• Restoration of pits and fissures, cervical erosion and abrasion
• Intermediate restoration for heavy stress bearing areas
• Final restoration for non-stress bearing Class I and II in adult dentition
• Created for Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) and Minimal Intervention (MI) dentistry
• Geriatric and Pediatric restorations
• Superior mechanical properties
• Optimal aesthetics with easy polishability, high translucency, fluorescence close to natural teeth
• Exceptional handling characteristics
• Chemically adheres to tooth structure
• Continuous release and recharge of fluoride ions, biocompatible and radiopaque with low solubility
• Packable & Easy to use
• Available in shades: A2, A3, A3.5 & B2 with a closer match to Vita Lumin shades.