Opalustre is a 6.6% Hydrochloric Acid slurry that contains silicon carbide microparticles
Ideal for removing superficial white and brown decalcification stains due to enamel mottling from Fluorosis
This combination provides chemical stain removal along with gentle mechanical abrasion.
Quickly remove unsightly enamel decalcification defects thatae less than 0.2 mm in depth.
OpalCups latch-type bristle polishing cups are used with the Opalustre for micropolishing the newly treated enamel surface.
This treatment can be classified under ADA insurance code 9970: enamel microabrasion.
- One-appointment results
- Removes superficial white and brown stains
- Provides minimally invasive treatment for fluorosis
- Hydrochloric acid aids in chemical stain removal
- Silicon carbide microparticles provide gentle mechanical abrasion
- Less than 0.2mm enamel removal
- Comes in a direct delivery for an easy and mess-free technique
- Autoclavable OpalCups minimize splatter
- Opalustre is gluten free and kosher certified